Workforce Development

Committee Democrats are pursuing bipartisan pathways to ensure job training and apprenticeship programs across the country are fully funded and equipped to prepare individuals to thrive in our economy.

In order to help the unemployed and underemployed, we need to ensure that our federal training programs adequately match with high growth sector jobs. Now more than ever, effective workforce development opportunities are critical to a stronger middle class.


Key Legislation:

National Apprenticeship Act of 2021

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022


Registered Apprenticeships: 

Registered Apprenticeships (RAs) are America’s most successful federally authorized workforce development program. According to the Department of Labor, 93 percent of people who complete RAs are employed upon completion, earning an average starting wage of above $77,000 annually.

The success of the registered apprenticeship system is a product of the strict quality standards, close engagement with industry, and strong worker protections that the programs are required to uphold.

The reauthorization of the National Apprenticeship Act, which governs the RA system in the United States, includes new investments that would create 1 million new apprenticeship opportunities over the next five years. It also streamlines the process to make it easier for apprentices and employers to participate in Registered Apprenticeship programs.

