Subcommittee Hearing

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Reauthorization: Examining Successful Models of Employment for Justice-Involved Individuals

Subcommittee: Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee Issue: Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Time: 10:15 AM Location: via Zoom

Member Statements

  1.  Frederica S. Wilson (Democrat - Florida)


  1. Ms. Traci Scott
    Vice President, Workforce Development Division
    National Urban League
    New York , NY
  2. Mr. Gregg Keesling
    DBA RecycleForce Workforce, Inc.
    Indianapolis , IN
  3. Dr. Pamela Lattimore
    Senior Director for Research Development, Division for Applied Justice Research
    RTI International
    Durham , NC
  4. Ms. Wendi Safstrom
    Executive Director
    SHRM Foundation
    Alexandria , VA