Committee Reports

acrobatFighting Summer Hunger Pangs: How Summer Feeding Programs Bridge the Nutrition Gap
acrobatA Slap on the Wrist: How It Pays for Unscrupulous Employers To Take Advantage of Workers
acrobatOn the Brink: The Case for Permanently and Fully Funding the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, & Children (WIC)
acrobatReligious Liberty? The History of Religious Liberty in Federal Policy from 1993 to 2022
acrobat117th Congress Committee Oversight Report
acrobatNo Right to Deny Care: The Importance of Preserving Preventive Care in the Affordable Care Act
acrobatBenefits of Union Membership Report
acrobatThe Future of Work: How Congress Can Support Workers in the Modern Economy
acrobatPolitics Over People: How the Administration’s Corruption, Cover-Ups, and Incompetence Hurts the American People
acrobatCorruption, Conflicts, and Crisis: The NLRB's Assault on Workers' Rights Under the Trump Administration
acrobatJoint Report on Implementation of the FUTURE Act
acrobatShattered Dreams: Examining the Education Department's Role in the Misconduct of Dream Center Education Holdings
acrobatShattered Dreams: Examining the Education Department's Role in the Misconduct of Dream Center Education Holdings Exhibits
acrobatDelayed and Denied: Borrower Defense Relief Under the Trump Administration
acrobatBroken Promises: How the Department of Education Failed America's Public Servants
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