
H.R. 1406, "Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013"

Subcommittee: Workforce Protections Subcommittee Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Time: 10:00 AM


More information on H.R. 1406, a "Republican Bill to Upend Overtime Pay for Workers"


AmendmentOffered ByDescriptionAction TakenRoll Call Vote

Rep. Courtney Healthy Families Act:
Providing Workers Access to Paid Sick Days
Ruled Not Germaine  
2 Rep. Wilson Protecting Workers Right to Overtime Wages Failed  
3 Rep. Bonamici  Protecing Workers Access to Overtime Wages & Ensuring their Right to Receive Them Timely Failed  
4 Rep. Bishop Provides private sector workers whose employers negotiate comp time arrangements with protections similar to those public sector workers enjoy Failed  


Rep. George Miller (D-Calif).

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