Press Releases

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Democratic Health Leaders Seek Answers from Trump Administration on Efforts to Sabotage ACA Open Enrollment

01.30.17   WASHINGTON - Today, Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA), Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Ways and Means Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the Acting Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to request further details on the Trump Administration's decision to halt advertising and outreach activities for ahead of the crucial January 31st deadline for open enrollment. "We are deeply … Continue Reading

Scott Statement on Trump Administration’s Decision to Halt Health Care Enrollment Outreach to Families

01.27.17   WASHINGTON - Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement amid reports that the Trump administration has ended outreach and advertising that provides America's families and working people with information on how to enroll for health insurance at "The Trump Administration's decision to halt outreach and advertising is designed to undercut ACA enrollment during the peak period for enrollment. In the three years since the ACA Marketplaces began, the final day… Continue Reading

Democrats Call for Strengthening Working Families in the 115th Congress

01.24.17   WASHINGTON - Today, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce held its organizational meeting for the 115th Congress, where members adopted the Committee rules package and the Committee oversight plan. Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) welcomed Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) to her first hearing serving as Chairwoman of the Committee, and called for bipartisan action to strengthen America's working families. "I am pleased there is agreement that the Committee should move forward wit… Continue Reading

Scott: Total Chaos if Obamacare is Repealed

01.13.17   WASHINGTON - Ranking Member Bobby Scott (Va-03) spoke on the House Floor today against the Republican's budget resolution, which would begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Below is a transcript of his remarks as delivered: "Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this budget resolution and its intent to compromise the health insurance for all Americans. "Republicans continue to pursue the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, root and branch, despite the fact that there is no cred… Continue Reading

Committee Leaders Call for Hearings on Impact of ACA Repeal Before Any Action in the House

01.12.17   WASHINGTON - Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA), Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and Ways and Means Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the Chairmen of their respective committees today requesting public hearings immediately on the impact of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through budget reconciliation. The three Democratic Committee leaders wrote that public deliberations are essential before any action is taken. … Continue Reading

Scott Statement on Consequences of GOP’s Partial Repeal Plan for the Affordable Care Act

12.07.16   WASHINGTON - Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) released the following statement on the Urban Institute's new report detailing the impact of Republicans' plan to partially repeal the Affordable Care Act: "The Urban Institute's report shows that plans to repeal large parts of the ACA through a special budget procedure - without any viable or serious alternative - could result in drastic consequences for millions of people. According to this report, a partial repeal with no replacement would le… Continue Reading

Scott, Levin, Pallone Statement on Court Order to Delay House v. Burwell

12.06.16   WASHINGTON - Ranking Members Bobby Scott (D-VA), Sandy Levin (D-MI), and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) of the House Committees on Education and the Workforce, Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce respectively, made the following joint statement after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued an order to delay the consideration of House v. Burwell: "This decision to delay the consideration of House v. Burwell until after Inauguration Day puts millions of Americans at risk of l… Continue Reading

Scott Statement on Nomination of Chairman Tom Price for HHS Secretary

11.29.16   WASHINGTON - Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA) released the following statement after it was reported that Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price will be nominated for U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services: "I congratulate my colleague Tom Price on his nomination to serve as our nation's next Secretary of Health and Human Services. This position has been, and must continue to be, one that enhances and protects the health of all Americans, especially the most vulnerable among us. "As Chairm… Continue Reading

Scott, Levin, Pallone: Six Strong Years for the ACA

03.23.16   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 23, 2016 CONTACTS Kiara Pesante (Scott), 202-226-0853 Kevin Parker (Levin), 202-226-3354 Christine Brennan (Pallone), 202-225-5735 WASHINGTON, DC - Education and the Workforce Committee Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA), Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI), and Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)- the top Democrats on committees with jurisdiction over the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - … Continue Reading

Democrats Call for Investments in HHS Programs to Support Nation’s Families

03.15.16   WASHINGTON - Today the Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing entitled, "Examining the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services". The hearing focused on funding for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to continue to expand critical investments that protect the health and wellbeing of hardworking American families, and invest in our nation - from childhood into advanced age. "From the Ebola outbreak to Zika to the Flint crisis, … Continue Reading

Scott, Pallone, Levin, Van Hollen: GOP Reconciliation Bills Just More of the Same

01.06.16   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 2016 CONTACT Kiara Pesante (Scott) - (202) 226-0853 Christine Brennan (Pallone) - (202) 225-5735 Kevin Parker (Levin) - (202) 226-3354 Ian Jannetta (Van Hollen) - (202) 225-1527 WASHINGTON - Today, the Ranking Members of the House Committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means and Budget denounced House Republicans' reconciliation legislation that would effectively gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Education and the Workfor… Continue Reading

Scott Statement on ACA Challenge Reaching the Supreme Court under the Guise of Religious Freedom

11.06.15   WASHINGTON - Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court granted certiorari to hear arguments in seven consolidated cases. The cases question whether the contraceptive accommodation for some religiously affiliated organizations who wish to avail themselves of the preventive services mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act… Continue Reading

Scott asks Committee to shift focus to important, bipartisan legislation

09.30.15   Remarks come after Committee vote on partisan reconciliation proposal that defunds Planned Parenthood and guts the Affordable Care Act WASHINGTON - Following today's markup in the Education and the Workforce Committee of a reconciliation proposal that will gut the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood, Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03) made the following statement: "I am deeply disappointed that the Committee saw fit to report this proposal today. The sole aim of t… Continue Reading

Ranking Member Scott Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, Urges Medicaid Expansion

07.30.15   WASHINGTON - Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement on the 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid: "On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law and made access to affordable, quality health care a fundamental American value. Medicare and Medicaid have helped millions of Americans - particularly seniors, people with disabilities, and low income families - live with economic security and dignity. The Affordable… Continue Reading

Scott Expresses Concern over Continued Threats to Preventive Health Benefits for Women

07.10.15   WASHINGTON -Today the Department of Labor, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of the Treasury finalized regulations that allow closely held for-profit corporations with religious objections to opt out of providing coverage for some or all contraceptive services to their female employees. These regulations were issued following the 2014 Supreme Court ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., that the owners of closely-held, for-profit corporations cannot be force… Continue Reading

Scott, Pallone, Levin: The ACA is Working

06.25.15   Today, the top Democrats from the House Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means committees issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court's decision to uphold a core tenet of the Affordable Care Act in King v. Burwell. Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA), Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and Ways and Means Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) are the lead Democrats on the committees with jurisdiction over … Continue Reading

Five Years in, the Affordable Care Act is Working

04.14.15   HELP subcommittee hearing highlights ways ACA is strengthening employee-sponsored insurance WASHINGTON - Today, in their continued attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act, Republicans of the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) held a subcommittee hearing to challenge the law. During the hearing, Education and the Workforce Democrats reinforced the importance of the need to protect access to affordable health care for all Americans. "It's important to rememb… Continue Reading

Scott, Levin, Pallone: Five Years in, the ACA is Working

03.23.15   WASHINGTON- Today, the top Democrats from the Education and the Workforce, Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce committees issued a joint statement marking the five year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (D-VA), Ways and Means Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI), and Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) are the head Democrats on the committees with jurisdiction over the Affordable Care Act: "Five years ago, our… Continue Reading

Levin, Pallone, Scott: GOP Trying to Rob Health Care from Millions of Americans (again)

02.03.15   WASHINGTON - The Ranking Members of the House Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce decried today's attempt by House Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - the 56th such attempt since the law's enactment - and the Republicans' sustained attack to undermine access to quality, affordable health care for millions of hard-working Americans. Ranking Members Sander Levin (D-MI), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-VA) re… Continue Reading

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