
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi Denounces Trump Administration Decision To Roll Back Access To Birth Control

SCHAUMBURG, IL – Today, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi released the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s decision to roll back the federal mandate for copay-free birth control coverage:

“By eliminating the guarantee that women will have coverage for birth control through their insurance, regardless of who they work for, the Trump administration is doing nothing less than turning back the clock on women's health care. No woman should need her boss’s permission to receive medical care.

Prior to this rollback, health care plans were required to cover birth control at no cost to the patient in the same way they covered other preventive care, saving the average woman $250 per year. Provisions were already in place to guarantee that if employers had objections to providing access to birth control, women would still receive care at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient or the employer.

Through this malicious decision, the Trump administration has given employers the power to make medical decisions for women while potentially forcing 62.4 million women to pay millions more for health care. I urge the administration to reverse this decision."

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Will Baldwin202-774-8100