
Scott Statement on September Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy lost 33,000 jobs in September, with the unemployment rate at 4.2 percent.

“The devastation from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria have put millions of Americans out of work.  As a result, the job loss reported from the Bureau of Labor Statistics during September reflects the tremendous impact of these hurricanes on Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These numbers underscore the urgency to continue to help these communities recover and for Congress to pass a robust recovery package. 

“Notwithstanding the effect of these hurricanes on reported employment levels, wages remain stagnant despite historic gains in the stock market and the unemployment rate being at a 16 year low.  As we look forward to October, which is National Work and Family Month, I urge my Republican colleagues to work with Democrats to raise wages, help workers better balance work and family life, guarantee universal child care, and ensure no worker faces discrimination on the job. These policies will help address the problems that have made our economy feel out of balance for so many and will help hard-working families get ahead. We must work together to make sure our economy puts families and working people first.”

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