
H.R. 5, Student Success Act

Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Time: 10:00 AM


Minority Views

Summary of Democratic Substitute to H.R. 5

Democratic Amendments to H.R. 5:

Offered ByDescriptionAction Taken

# 2

Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX)

Reinstate Title III with Increased Authorization

defeated by voice vote

# 4

Rep. Davis (D-CA)

Title II Teacher Prep

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays

# 6

Rep. Courtney (D-CT)

Funding for STEM/Ed Tech

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 8

Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ)

Qualified Teacher/Equitable Distribution/Teacher Working Conditions

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays

# 10

Rep. Fudge (D-OH)

Fiscal Provisions in Title I

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 12

Rep. Polis (D-CO)

Accountability and Interventions

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 14

Rep. Sablan (D-NMI)

Support for Research-Based Investment (i3)

defeated by voice vote


# 16

Rep. Wilson (D-FL)

Title I, Part H Dropout Prevention

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 17

Rep. Bonamici (D-OR)

SMART/Support for Aligned Assessments and Reduction

offered and withdrawn


# 18

Rep. Pocan (D-WI)

Funding for Literacy

defeated by voice vote


# 19

Rep. Takano (D-CA)

Charter Authorizing Standards in Title I

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 20

Rep. Jeffries (D-NY)

College and Career-Ready Standards for All Students

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 21

Rep. Clark (D-MA)

Pre-K Programming as new ESEA Title

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 22

Rep. Adams (D-NC)

Access to a Well-Rounded Education (Title V)

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 23

Rep. DeSaulnier (D-CA)

Title IV, Wraparound Services/Community Partnerships

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 25

Rep. Fudge (D-OH)

Funding for IDEA, title I, and early childhood programs

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


# 26

Rep. Scott (D-VA)

Democratic Substitute

defeated by 16 yeas and 21 nays


Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-VA)

Rep. Scott Statement in Opposition to H.R. 5

Rep. Scott Statement in Support of Democratic Substitute

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