
Scott Statement on February Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement today after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that during the month of February, the economy added 242,000 jobs:

“Today’s job report represents the 72nd consecutive month of private sector job growth with unemployment remaining steady at 4.9 percent. Our economy is steadily growing and more Americans are finding opportunities. However, more work must be done to strengthen our economy and grow working people’s paychecks.

“That is why House Democrats put forward a responsible proposal to raise the minimum wage, and why we strongly support the Administration’s proposed rule to make five million more Americans eligible for overtime pay.  But for these measures to be effective, we need to ensure that the extra pay makes it into workers’ pockets. 


“Many working people are completely unaware that they are being cheated out of their hard-earned wages. This injustice occurs because employers are under no state or federal requirement to produce a pay stub itemizing wages and deductions. To help remedy this all-too-common problem, I introduced the Pay Stub Disclosure Act to ensure that workers have the tools necessary to fight back against wage theft.


“Our nation’s working families need proposals that would boost wages, help them balance work and family, and level the playing field by eliminating discrimination. It is up to all of us here in Congress to make sure that working families get a fair deal.” 

