
Reps. Miller and Cummings Seek Information from Individuals in Recent NLRB Inspector General Investigations


WASHINGTON – Citing serious concerns raised by the National Labor Relations Board’s Inspector General in recent investigative reports, Reps. George Miller (D-Calif.) and Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) sought additional information today from individuals named in the investigations. Miller and Cummings requested additional information from NLRB Member Brian Hayes and former NLRB Member Peter Schaumber. The Inspector General’s most recent investigative report was released Wednesday.

Miller is the ranking member of the House on Education and the Workforce Committee. Cummings is the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

“The Inspector General raised serious concerns that disclosure of sensitive information has damaged the due process rights of Americans seeking to have their rights vindicated under the law before the National Labor Relations Board,” said Rep. Miller. “This is no small matter, and there remain a number of unanswered questions. Determining that the conduct occurred is just a first step.  We need to determine how this conduct was allowed to happen and whether private parties have personally benefited from these improper disclosures.”

“I am encouraged to hear that the current Board Chairman is taking the Inspector General’s findings seriously,” Rep. Miller added, “and I look forward to learning soon how the Board plans to respond.”

The Inspector General uncovered a number of instances where Board Member Terence Flynn, while serving as chief counsel to Board Member Hayes, forwarded sensitive and nonpublic information to former Board Member Schaumber, who has served as a labor policy advisor for the Romney presidential campaign. These included a draft of an NLRB decision, dissents before cases have been decided, and other information on the NLRB’s internal operations. The Inspector General concluded that these disclosures “evidence a serious threat to the Board’s decisional due process.”

Below are the oversight letters sent today:

Oversight request to former NLRB Member Peter Schaumber for information regarding the receipt, possession and personal use of deliberative, confidential, or otherwise privileged information belonging to the National Labor Relations Board.

Oversight request to NLRB Member Brian Hayes on information concerning his supervision of Flynn while he served as chief counsel at the National Labor Relations Board.

Read all documents regarding oversight and investigations into National Labor Relations Board