
Rep. George Miller Statement on Michigan's Proposed Right-to-Work Law

WASHINGTON -- Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued that following statement today on the expected passage of so-called "right-to-work" legislation in Michigan. Gov. Rick Synder testified before the committee in February 2012 saying that the proposal was divisive and not on his agenda for 2012

"Governor Snyder was correct when he testified before my committee in February that so-called right-to-work legislation was 'very divisive'. I was encouraged when he said it was not part of his 2012 agenda, which would instead focus on positive action for jobs. 

"The recent news that Gov. Snyder may now flip flop on his earlier testimony before Congress is deeply troubling.

"The Michigan right-to-work bill is simply a mean-spirited effort to take away the ability of hardworking families to fight for the middle class. History shows us that it will drive down family incomes, reduce workers' retirement security, and poison politics in Michigan for the foreseeable future. It's not too late for Governor Snyder to reject this special-interest assault on working people and steer a course toward the positive action on the economy that he claimed to favor just 10 months ago."

Watch a video of Gov. Snyder's February response on the proposal.