
Statement by Congressman George Miller (D-CA) on today’s mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut


CONCORD, CA – Rep. George Miller (D-CA) made the following statement on today’s mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut:

“Today, my thoughts and prayers are with the parents, families and school employees dealing with the horrific loss of life in Newtown, Connecticut. I join all Americans in grieving for this community suffering from this incomprehensible tragedy.  

“Today is for sorrow and prayers. But the days ahead are for serious reflection about how we can reduce the flow of guns into the wrong hands.  One mass shooting after another in America is followed by sincere and painful mourning but no real action to protect the innocent.  We must come together as a nation to honestly discuss how to prevent people intent on carrying out these savage attacks from so easily obtaining guns and ammunition.

“The nation is ready for this conversation.  More importantly, though, the safety of children and all Americans demands we have it.”