
Ranking Member Scott Statement on January Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 200,000 jobs in January, with the unemployment rate at 4.1 percent

“Today’s job report shows that while our economic recovery remains stable, too many working people and families are still struggling to get ahead and make ends meet. During President Obama’s last year in office, the economy added over 2 million jobs, yet during President Trump’s first year in office only roughly 1.8 million jobs were added to the economy. This is partly because under President Trump’s leadership, workers have faced a constant barrage of attacks. Only yesterday, news broke that the Department of Labor allegedly violated protocol by withholding estimates that show workers would lose billions under the Department’s proposal to allow employers to confiscate employees’ tips.  This is on top of the administration’s actions to roll back protections for workers’ safety, retirement security, and ability to form a union.  

“Rather than pass a tax bill that provided over 80 percent of its benefits to the top one percent, Congress should be working together to pass the Raise the Wage Act of 2017 (H.R. 15). This bill would increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15 and give millions hard-working Americans a much needed raise.” 

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