
DOL Proposed Tip Rule is Harmful: See What People Are Saying...

Under the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed tip rule, employers will benefit at the expense of workers. And in the wake of allegations that DOL withheld estimates that workers would lose billions as a result of the rule, it’s clear the administration does not have the interest of working people in mind.  Don’t just take our word for it—read what the groups are saying:

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: “The Trump Labor Department lied in claiming that they could not produce an estimated cost of the rule – they had one. Their own estimate makes clear that this rule would transfer billions from working-class families. It’s no wonder why the Trump administration would hide this information.”

Economic Policy Institute: “[The DOL has] ensured that workers, advocates, and anyone else who wants to comment on the proposal would have to do so without key information about the impact of the rule. This shows the lengths to which the Trump administration and Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta will go to hide the fact that they are taking steps to actively make workers’ lives worse.”

Mom’s Rising: “It is already deplorable that the Trump administration would put such a rule in place; it adds insult to injury that the DOL would attempt to hide this unfavorable study in order to lie to the public about the rule’s impact.”

National Women’s Law Center: “Once again, the Trump Administration has attempted to rewrite reality in an effort to shift even greater power and wealth to employers at the expense of working people, especially women. The Department of Labor should immediately withdraw this proposed rule.”

Public Citizen: “At every turn, the department has made it harder, not easier, for hardworking Americans to earn a decent wage. Along with efforts to weaken the overtime and fiduciary rules, hiding economic data that proves the tipped wage rule rollback is a bad deal for restaurant workers is just another example that the department’s mission under President Donald Trump is to please corporate interests, not protect workers.”

Restaurant Opportunities Centers United: “This new rule would constitute legalized theft of restaurant workers’ hard-earned tips by the National Restaurant Association and President Trump. The Administration’s unethical lack of disclosure of this information – which the public deserves to know – constitutes nothing more than outright deception of the American people.”

The National Employment Law Project:Such disingenuous actions and statements fly in the face of the transparency needed to ensure that the regulatory process is reasonable, fair and consistent with the law.  More importantly, covering up information about such negative implications for workers and papering over the action with misleading statements violates the agency’s mission ‘to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of wage earners.’”

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