
Miller Stands with Fast Food Workers, Calls for Increasing Minimum Wage

WASHINGTON—Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee, released the following statement in response to nationwide protests by fast food workers who are calling for fair wages.

“All across the nation, voters, public officials, and hard-working, low-wage earners are taking decisive action to win a fair wage. Today’s protests are further proof that support for increasing the minimum wage is sweeping the country. These courageous workers, who are speaking out and putting their jobs on the line to advocate for decent pay that can support their families, have my strong support.

“Fair pay for a fair day’s work is more than just an important American value. It’s the very kind of labor policy that builds a middle class, grows the economy, creates jobs, and saves taxpayers money through lower public assistance costs. Likewise, workers’ freedom to speak out without fear of retaliation is critical to a strong and fair economy.  By exercising their rights, fast food workers are standing up for a stronger America, with more opportunity for all.

“The American people get it.  A recent national poll found that by a ratio of four to one, Americans support raising the minimum wage.  This support cuts across all political affiliations and regions of the country.

“I stand shoulder to shoulder with the workers protesting today. I urge Congress to listen to the voices of these hard-working Americans, respect their right to organize and bargain for a better deal, and raise the minimum wage now.”

Rep. Miller is the author of the Fair Minimum Wage Act (H.R. 1010), which would raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016, and index the rate to inflation each year thereafter. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) is the lead sponsor of the bill in the Senate.

For more information on the Fair Minimum Wage Act, click here.