
Key House Dems Ask McKinsey to Release Methodology of Potentially Biased Health Reform Study

Leading Democrats on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Education and the Workforce send letter to McKinsey

Key House Democrats today requested that McKinsey & Company release methodology and other important information on their recent study on the Affordable Care Act and employer sponsored health care.  Serious concerns have been raised about the accuracy of the study that conflicts with other nonpartisan studies on the issue.  McKinsey has refused to make public basic information regarding the design of the survey or the questions asked.

“Refusing to release the underlying questions and methodology undermines the credibility of the findings,” House Democrats wrote.  “We are concerned that, if the survey based its conclusions on a questionable instrument and potentially biased methodology, McKinsey may have provided the American public with invalid information about the impact of the Affordable Care Act.” 

Real world experience in Massachusetts and studies by other independent groups suggests that the Affordable Care Act will not have a significant impact on employer health coverage. 

“The results of this survey were markedly different from the conclusions of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, and other credible studies or surveys conducted by respected entities including the Rand Corporation and The Urban Institute, all of which projected little change to the number of employers offering health coverage under health reform.” 

The letter was signed by Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Sander M. Levin, George Miller, Frank Pallone, Jr., Pete Stark, Rob Andrews, John D. Dingell, Diana DeGette, and John Lewis.

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Washington, DC 20515