
Supreme Court Ruling another Blow on Women’s Right to Fair Pay and Treatment on the Job

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement on today’s United States Supreme Court decision that invalidated a class-action lawsuit brought against Wal-Mart by women from across the country alleging years of discrimination in pay and promotions.

“Today’s ruling from the right wing Roberts court is another blow to a woman’s right to fair pay and fair treatment on the job. There is no place in this country for a business to pay women less or promote them less because of their gender.

“Americans have come to know the phrase ‘too big to fail’ when it comes to our nation’s big banks. Today, the Supreme Court said that women’s efforts to join together nationwide to seek justice against a powerful corporation can be so big they must not be allowed to succeed. This ruling underscores the need for Congress to strengthen our civil rights laws, especially when it comes to ensuring equal pay for equal work, by enacting measures like the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“Nondiscrimination is not just a moral issue. In this economy, with family budgets stretched so thinly, no breadwinner can afford to have her pay reduced or her career ladder cut short because she simply happens to be a woman.”

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