
Groundbreaking Health Insurance and Student Loan Reforms Heading to President Obama

Today, the House approved legislation that makes key improvements to the historic health reform law, and makes the single largest investment in college aid ever, at no additional cost to taxpayers. The package will now go to President Obama’s desk for his signature.

The legislation makes health care even more affordable for the middle class, lowers prescription drug costs for seniors by closing the “donut hole” over time, reduces the deficit and strips out special deals that favored one state over another. The bill also makes the most sweeping changes to our federal student loan program in a generation.
The Senate approved the legislation earlier today, after making two minor revisions to the education portion of the package, which had no substantive effect on college aid benefits for students.

U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, who authored the student loan bill and co-wrote the health insurance bill, issued the following statement tonight:

“This is a big day for middle-class families in America. Today, Congress voted to change the way Washington works. We ended a longtime stranglehold that banks and insurance companies have had over policymaking, and chose to stand with the American people.

“When I became chairman of the Education and Labor Committee, I dedicated the work of our committee to growing and strengthening America's middle class.  The actions we have taken today honor that commitment.  

“By passing historic health insurance and student loan reforms, we have spoken directly to the needs and concerns of middle class families grappling with the crushing costs of health care and college and the enormous obstacles to obtaining both.

“No longer will college students have to watch banks reap billions in federal handouts while they struggle to pay for college. No longer will children with pre-existing conditions get denied coverage, or will patients with insurance watch their coverage get pulled out from under them while they are in the middle of treatment.

“The strength of our economy and the greatness of our country depend on the opportunities Americans have to pursue their dreams.  We have opened an important door today for every American, a major accomplishment for which we can all be genuinely proud.”

More information on the health insurance reforms the House passed today.

More information on the student loan reforms the House passed today.
