
Chairman Miller Statement on Senate Passage of Companion Health Reform and Student Loan Reform Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee and the House co-author of health insurance and student loan reforms, congratulated the Senate on passing an additional measure that improves the new health reform law and makes college dramatically more affordable. The House first passed this package on Sunday. Early this morning, the Senate made small technical changes to the bill. The House will vote later today to send this bill to President Obama for his signature.  “Today the Senate listened to the American people by voting to improve our historic health reform law and stop sending wasteful subsidies to big banks, instead of students. These health reform improvements will start to benefit Americans immediately by making coverage more affordable, beginning to close the Medicare donut hole for seniors, and providing critical consumer protections for all Americans.

“These reforms will also end a sweetheart deal that banks have enjoyed for decades, at the expense of students and families. These savings will be used to help students and families pay for college and reduce our deficit. In fact, a new CNN poll shows a majority of Americans, on a bipartisan basis, support ending this handout for banks and reinvesting the savings directly in students. With one move, we will make college dramatically more affordable, prepare students for good jobs, help keep jobs in America, and reduce the deficit.

“I want to commend the Senate, and especially Senator Tom Harkin, for insisting on including reforms that will help families grappling with the crushing costs of both college and health care. In the coming hours the House will take the last leg of this historic journey by voting to send this measure to President Obama’s desk.”

More information on the health insurance reforms the House is voting on today

More information on the student loan reforms the House is voting on today