
Chairman Scott Celebrates New Democratic Majority at NLRB

WASHINGTON – House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement in anticipation of Saturday’s swearing in of Biden appointee David Prouty as the newest member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)He will replace Trump appointee William Emanuel, whose term ends today. Mr. Prouty joins Gwynne Wilcox – another new Biden appointee – who was sworn in earlier this month, restoring a 3-2 Democratic majority alongside Chair Lauren McFerran.

“I am pleased to join workers across the country in celebrating a new chapter for the National Labor Relations Board. Under Republican control, the NLRB contradicted the mission of the agency and neglected its responsibility to workers. On numerous occasions over the past four years, the Republican majority discarded NLRB precedent in order to erode workers’ ability to organize and negotiate for higher wages, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

“Now, the NLRB can begin restoring its commitment to protect and enforce workers’ fundamental rights.  Gwynne Wilcox and David Prouty bring a deep understanding of the NLRB’s role in upholding our labor laws. Their thoughtful and fair-minded approach to the Board’s work will be a refreshing change for workers.

“This weekend marks an important shift that will have a meaningful impact on workers and families across the country.”

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