
Chairman Scott: Biden Budget Is a Blueprint for a Stronger Economy

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement in response to the release of President Biden’s FY 2022 budget proposal. 

“The Biden-Harris FY 2022 budget is a blueprint for expanding opportunity and strengthening our economy. It proposes smart, significant investments in education, child care, health care, workforce training, and other key priorities that would improve the lives of Americans across the country. 

“The budget makes a strong commitment to addressing inequity at all levels of education – from child care and preschool to higher education. Notably, the Biden-Harris Administration is proposing a historic increase in Pell Grants that would help more students get a quality degree. The $400 increase in the value of Pell Grants, paired with the $1,475 increase proposed in the American Families plan, would be the largest one-time expansion in the grant’s history.

“I also applaud the Administration’s proposed investments in expanding workers’ access to paid leave and cracking down on companies that commit wage theft and unlawfully deny workers the wages and benefits they are owed. This budget would help restore our nation’s ability to enforce the laws that are intended to protect workers and their families. 

“Finally, the Biden-Harris budget proposes important investments in the health and well-being of families and communities. The pandemic exposed the immoral disparities in access to health care, nutrition, and other essential pillars of a healthy life. This budget would help more Americans get access to the care and support they need. 

“I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for the priorities reflected in this budget, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to deliver on this vision for building back a stronger economy where everyone can succeed.”


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