
Chairman Miller: Today America’s Middle Class Won Two Major Victories

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today President Barack Obama signed into law legislation that makes key improvements to the historic health reform law enacted last week, and makes the single largest investment in college aid ever, at no additional cost to taxpayers.  The law makes health care even more affordable for the middle class, lowers prescription drug costs for seniors by closing the “donut hole” over time, reduces the deficit and strips out special deals that favored one state over another. The bill also makes the most sweeping changes to our federal student loan program in a generation.

U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, and the co-author of both pieces of reform in the House, issued the following statement after attending the signing ceremony:

“Today marked the last leg of a long journey to bring historic health insurance and student loan reforms to the American people. With his signature today, President Obama has changed the way Washington works by ending the stranglehold banks and insurance companies have long held over policymaking. In doing so, he has handed America’s students, families and taxpayers two tremendous victories.

“Because of this law, the promise of quality, affordable health insurance is becoming real for every American. Strong accountability for insurance companies and vital protections for consumers will soon exist. The days of health insurance discrimination are nearly gone.

“Because of this law, college students will be able to graduate with less debt, less burdensome debt payments, and more opportunity. Students and families will finally have a federal college aid system that works in their best interests – not in the interest of banks or big corporations.

“This is a major step forward for America’s middle class. Thanks to the leadership and courage of President Obama, families and taxpayers have won two important victories that will help improve their lives, reduce our deficit, strengthen our middle class, and secure a stronger economic future.”

More information on the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010