
Chairman Miller: Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill Will Help Economy on its Road to Recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement after the House passed the Labor, Health and Education Appropriations Bill for 2010.

“With this bill, this Congress has taken another step to help our economy down the road to recovery and lay the foundation for a competitive future. It makes good on many of the promises President Obama has put forth to provide our students with a good education, to restore protections for workers, to get more jobless Americans back to work in industries that are growing, and to give every American who wants to serve in their communities the opportunity to do so. 
“It makes progress toward our goal of putting more excellent teachers in our nation’s classrooms – one of the most important things we can do for our students – by rewarding effective teachers. It will give more students the opportunity to learn in outstanding charter schools, and it will help more students graduate from high school by turning around the “dropout factories” that allow too many talented students fall through the cracks. And it builds on our efforts to help make college more affordable by increasing the Pell Grant scholarship to $5,350 – more than a $600 increase above last year’s award.

“This legislation will also help us strengthen our workforce and transition to a clean energy economy. It provides a much-needed infusion of funds to reinvigorate the Department of Labor’s ability to protect workers’ wages, benefits, safety and health and enforce the laws on the books – protections that had seriously eroded after years of neglect by the previous administration and Congresses.

“It will help the millions of workers who have lost their jobs in this recession get back on their feet by providing training and support for Americans affected by mass layoffs and plant closures. It will help our veterans transition into and thrive in our workforce when they return home. And, to prepare more workers for green jobs of the future, it will give workers the skills and experience they need for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Overall, this represents an enormous step in the right direction for our workers, our economy, and our role in a 21st century global marketplace.

“Finally, this bill delivers on President Obama’s goal of launching a new era of American service. It will provide new service opportunities for tens of thousands of volunteers of all ages by tapping into the talent of Americans and their desire to give back.

“I’d like to congratulate Chairman Obey and all the members of the Appropriations Committee for their hard work on this bill. This is one of many steps we must take to regain our economic stride, strengthen our middle class and put the American Dream back within reach of all families. To truly bring the transformational change Americans want and deserve, we must also make a landmark education investment that will help every American get an affordable college education, we must continue to restore workers’ rights, and we must fix our broken health care system so that everyone has access to quality, affordable care. In a country as great as America, that put the first man on the moon, these goals are achievable. And this bill points us in the right direction.”