
Chairman Miller Statement on Race to the Top Guidelines

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, released the following statement about the Race to the Top guidelines issued today by the Department of Education. The Race to the Top Fund is an unprecedented $4.35 billion competitive grant program, included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to incentivize states to make progress in key areas of education reform.

“President Obama and Secretary Duncan have demonstrated that they are serious about transforming our schools and building a world-class education system for all children. These guidelines are further proof that this administration is staunchly committed to ending the status quo that is failing our students and our teachers and is threatening both our global competiveness and our economic recovery. I hope states that don’t presently meet the eligibility requirements will decide to take the steps necessary to meet them to take full advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to take our schools to the next level.”
Specifically, the Race to the Top Fund is available to states that raise the bar on improving teaching effectiveness and distribute excellent teachers equitably, support struggling schools, establish rigorous standards linked to better assessments, and improve the collection and use of data in order to strengthen the quality of instruction.