
Bonamici Slams Trump Budget

WASHINGTON, DC  – Today Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, Vice Ranking Member of the Education and the Workforce Committee and Top Democrat on the Environment Subcommittee, issued the following statement on President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget proposal:

“A budget is a statement of values and priorities. President Trump’s proposed budget says more clearly than ever that his values and priorities do not align with those of America’s working families. The budget slashes Medicaid health care programs and support services for those battling opioid addiction, undermines Social Security disability support, eliminates programs like Community Development Block Grants that help our communities grow, significantly cuts nutrition programs like Meals on Wheels and school meals for hungry children, weakens protections for our environment and efforts to mitigate climate change, and decreases support for diplomatic efforts while inflating defense spending.

“This proposed budget is hard on seniors, children, and everyone in between. If enacted, the President’s proposal would be extraordinarily damaging to our economy and to millions of Oregonians and Americans – especially those who are living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet. And who will it benefit? Estimates are that 80 percent of the proposed benefit will go to the richest 0.8 percent of Americans.

“President Trump’s total disregard for our system of public education is alarming. His budget ignores our country’s longstanding commitment to equity in public schools and the fundamental right of all students to an equal, high-quality education—a commitment that was reaffirmed when Congress passed the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015. Trump’s budget would take funding away from public schools to fund voucher programs. Our public schools serve more that 90 percent of American students, and our investments should be focused on well-rounded learning opportunities, modernizing facilities, supporting educators, engaging families, and offering extended learning opportunities to enhance classroom learning. Instead, Trump’s budget would leave already under-resourced schools with even less while asking taxpayers to subsidize private and religious schools.

“Unfortunately, the Trump budget also eliminates funding for school counseling, arts and civics, and preschool programs, all of which will negatively affect students and put additional burdens on state legislatures. It seeks to end the public service loan forgiveness programs and other loan and grant programs that help make higher education affordable for students and families. And it makes it harder for students to access in-demand job fields by cutting career and technical education programs and work-study. This is the wrong direction for Oregon and our country, especially if we are serious about making college more affordable and addressing the skills gap. 

“Finally, the President’s proposed paid leave plan is woefully inadequate to meet the actual needs of working families. The paid leave proposal is tied to states’ unemployment insurance programs, which are already overburdened. That would further hurt our vulnerable communities. A real paid leave program would help all family members caring for loved ones, and it would be well-funded, robust, and consistent so American families can count on it.

“This budget is a disgrace, and it shows that the President is both completely out of touch with families who are working hard to put food on the table and woefully unaware about what kind of support our communities need to grow and thrive.

“Recently Congress came together to pass a bill to fund the federal government that – although not perfect – was a compromise that demonstrated bipartisan agreement on moving our country forward. I hope Congress will reject this mean-spirited proposal and work together in a bipartisan fashion to craft a budget that will keep our communities safe, strengthen public education, protect our natural resources, and create good jobs for the 21st Century economy.”

Press Contact

Maggie Rousseau, 202-754-1649