
Sixty-Five Percent of Battleground Voters Support Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 by 2024

WASHINGTON – A recent poll conducted by Hart Research found that 65 percent of battleground voters favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2024.  Specifically, 89 percent of Democrats, 55 percent of independents and 46 percent of Republicans in these districts support the proposal.

“This polling data confirms that Americans across the political spectrum support gradually raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2024. Raising the minimum wage is not only good for workers, it will benefit local businesses and regional economies across the country. When we put money in the pockets of American workers, they will spend that money in their communities,” said Chairman Bobby Scott, Committee on Education and Labor. “It’s been nearly a decade since Congress has raised the federal minimum wage. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to advance this key Democratic priority, which will give nearly 40 million workers a raise.” 

The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 would gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 in 2024, index future minimum wage increases to median wage growth, and ensure all workers are paid at least the full federal minimum wage.

“Frankly, raising the minimum wage is long overdue. It has been nearly a decade since we raised the federal minimum wage – an issue that was once inherently bipartisan and uncontroversial. This effort has broad support – from voters of every political party to some of America’s largest corporations who once opposed raising the minimum wage – because a responsible, gradual increase is good for workers, it’s good for businesses, and it’s good for our economy. Raising the minimum wage is a commitment to giving our workers a chance to lift themselves and their families out of poverty, to fight record income, and wealth inequality across our country, and to get to work building an economy that delivers for all Americans,” said Congresswoman Susan Wild (PA-07), whose constituents were among those polled.

To read a fact sheet on Raise the Wage Act, click here.

To read the impact of raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2024, by congressional district, please click here


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