Labor Oversight Letters

acrobatScott, Omar Letter to HHS Regarding Impact of NIOSH Funding and Staff Cuts
acrobatRanking Members Scott, Raskin, and Connolly Demand Accountability for Unlawful Firing of NLRB Member Gwynne Wilcox
acrobatRanking Members Scott and Adams Letter to OSHA re: Backlog of Cases
acrobatScott, DeSaulnier Letter to DOL re: MultiPlan
acrobatRanking Member Scott and Adams Letter to OSHA State Plans and Surprise Inspections
acrobatRanking Member Scott Letter to OFCCP on Affirmative Action
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to EEOC Chair Burrows re: Artificial Intelligence
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to GAO re Worker Productivity Tech & Workplace Safety
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to President Biden and Secretary Walsh re: Calling on the Administration to protect health care workers from COVID-19 by reconsidering the decision to terminate the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard issued on June 21, 2021 and move swiftly to finalize a permanent OSHA standard to protect health care workers.
acrobatChairman Scott letter to Assistant Secretary Parker re: Requesting information about the decision to publish a final COVID-19 standard to protect health care workers
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Walsh re: Supporting the Department’s proposed rule published June 23, 2021, regarding use of the tip credit for workers performing “dual jobs” under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Walsh re: Support of the Department of Labor’s proposal to withdraw the January 2020 final interpretative rule “Joint Employer Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act.”
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Walsh re: Support of the Department of Labor’s proposal to withdraw the January 2021 final interpretive rule “Independent Contractor Status under the Fair Labor Standards Act.”
acrobatScott Letter to EEOC Regarding Litigation Authority Vote
acrobatScott, Adams Letter to DOL, OSHA Regarding Changes to Workplace Reporting Requirements
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