Committee Reports

acrobatTo Grow and Stengthen the Middle Class: An Update on Education and Labor Issues -- Summer 2013
acrobatThe Low-Wage Drag on Our Economy: Wal-Mart’s low wages and their effect on taxpayers and economic growth
acrobatDemocratic Views – Budget Views and Estimates for Fiscal Year 2014
acrobatWorking Families Report Card 2012
acrobatJobs eForum Final Report
acrobatWorking Families Report Card 2011
acrobatReal Relief for Schools: Accomplishing Effective Flexibility
acrobatDemocratic Summary on H.R. 4508
acrobatFact Sheet: H.R. 4508 Increases Student Debt
acrobatDepartment of Education's Office of the Inspector General: Recommendation for the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act
acrobatDepartment of Defense: Impact of Eliminating Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
acrobatFact Sheet from the House Committee on the Budget on H.R. 4508
acrobatDepartment of Defense: Opposition to H.R. 4508
acrobatDepartment of Education's OIG Recommendations for Higher Education Act Reauthorization
acrobatMinority Views on H.R. 4508
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