
H.R. 4674, College Affordability Act

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Time: 10:15 AM Location: Washington, D.C. 2175 Rayburn House Office Building

Amendments and Roll Call Votes


Offered By



Roll Call

H.R. 4674


Mrs. Davis

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute


Mrs. Foxx

Substitute Amendment to the ANS



Ms. Bonamici

Assists students participating in the Federal Work Study program to access federal nutrition benefits for which they are eligible.

adopted by voice vote


Mr. Smucker

Restricts eligibility for tuition-free community college based on income defeated 18-28 2


Mrs. McBath

Allows states that use America’s College Promise funds to expand the scope and capacity of high-quality skills training programs at community colleges to do so in collaboration with one or more industry or sector partnership adopted 46-0 3


Mr. Smucker

Limits the newly required quick reference box in financial offers

  defeated 18-28



Ms. Omar

Establishes a commission to study the impact of federal student loan debt and provide recommendations to Congress

adopted 27-19  



Mr. Smucker

Prohibits registered lobbyists from accessing Public Service Loan Forgiveness

 defeated 18-28 



Mr. Norcross

Allows CCAMPIS funds to be used for evening and summer services and makes other improvements.

adopted by voice vote



Mr. Smucker

Strikes the increase in the set aside for GEAR UP evaluation

defeated 18-28  



Ms. Trahan/Mr. Guthrie

Makes improvements to the Net Price Calculator system

 adopted 45-0



Mr. Guthrie

Adds a section authorizing a new non-registered apprenticeship grant program


9 en bloc


Mr. Scott

Directs the Secretary, in consultation with the Attorney General, to disseminate best practices on how to respond to incidents of bias

adopted by voice vote



Mr. Guthrie

Lowers the Federal Work-Study match for institutions; removes the requirement that campuses use certain percentages of funds for work-based learning; adds to the end of Job Location and Development funds an allowable use for registered and non-registered apprenticeships  

 defeated 18-28 

9 enbloc


Ms. Shalala

Moves the 85/15 requirement to the institutional eligibility definition and allows for a phasing in of new 85/15 requirements

 adopted 28-17



Mr. Roe

Prevents the bill from taking effect until the Institute for Education Sciences certifies that such implementation shall not increase the cost of attendance 

defeated 17-28 



Ms. Jayapal

To direct the GAO to study racial and socioeconomic equity gaps in outcomes at four-year institutions

 adopted by voice vote



Ms. Wilson

Requires the study in the underlying amendment to examine administration of climate surveys and other issues affecting campus climate

adopted by voice vote



Mr. Roe

Expands sense of congress language on free speech and requires institutions to disclose existing free speech policies to students to receive any funds under the Act

defeated 17-28  



Mr. DeSaulnier

Gives competitive priority to applications for funds under Part B of Title II from entities that recruit teacher candidates who have community service experience

adopted by voice vote



Mr. Roe

Prevents students from being treated as employees for collective bargaining purposes

 defeated 17-28 



Mr. Walberg

Prohibits any government entity from taking any adverse action against an institution for acts or omissions that are in furtherance of its religious mission

defeated 17-28  



Mr. Walberg

Adds a GAO study on the impact of student participation in collective bargaining on cost of attendance

 defeated 17-28 



Mr. Grothman

 Strikes the bill’s CBE pilot to make all competency-based education programs eligible for Title IV funds    

defeated 17-28  



Mr. Grothman

Specifies that a student in legal guardianship who continues to receive financial support from their parents is considered dependent for the purposes of the FAFSA

 defeated 17-28 



Mrs. Foxx

Repeals the section prohibiting the Secretary from implementing proposed Title IX regulations

 defeated by voice vote



Mrs. Foxx

Requires all programs at all institutions meet the high school earnings requirement that is applied to Job Training short-term Pell Grant programs




Ms. Shalala Requires a GAO study of state licensing restrictions related to federal student loan defaults adopted 45-0 18 en bloc
#28 Mr. Thompson Supports capacity building for career and technical education programs adopted 45-0 18 en bloc
#28a Ms. Stevens Aligns the activities authorized by the underlying amendment with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 adopted by voice vote


Mr. Thompson Allows for-profits to participate in the short-term Pell program defeated 20-25 19
#30 Mr. Banks Prevents the bill from taking effect until the Secretary of Education certifies that it will not negatively impact military recruitment and limit veterans’ access to education defeated 20-26 20
#31 Mr. Grothman Adds a Title VI eligibility restriction defeated 20-26 21
#32 Mr. Grothman Provides discretion to financial aid administrators to lower loan limits defeated 21-26 22
#33 Mr. Grothman Strikes requirements for grantees to provide students information on SNAP eligibility   defeated 21-26 23
#34 Mr. Allen Requires a state receiving a partnership grant to certify that neither the state, nor its cities and counties limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities to protect undocumented individuals defeated 21-25 24
#35 Mr. Allen Prohibits a school from offering in-state tuition or a reduced fee rate to a person not lawfully present in the United States defeated 19-26 25
#36 Ms. Stefanik Replaces the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program with a State Workforce Incentive program defeated 22-26 26
#37 Mr. Comer Prohibits borrowers who commit crimes against children, as determined by the Secretary from receiving certain Loan Forgiveness defeated 20-24 27
#38 Mr. Comer Requires institutions to disclose campus policies regarding required background checks for employees and volunteers, and requires campuses to conduct background checks for employees and volunteers working with athletes, children, and youth adopted by voice vote
#38a Ms. Bonamici Aligns the requirements of the underlying amendment with Clery Act disclosure requirements adopted 26-22


#39 Mr. Comer Strikes requirement for institutions seeking religious exemptions to Title IX make disclosures to students defeated 22-26 29
#40 Mr. Johnson Mandates that at least one public member on the accreditation board represent business defeated 23-25 30
#41 Mr. Johnson Adds an opt-in requirement to the Postsecondary Student Data System for students not receiving any federal funds defeated by voice vote
#42 Mr. Johnson Requires institutions to certify that any health care practitioner at a healthcare facility affiliated with the institution will provide medical care to any infant born alive at such facility defeated 22-26 31
#43 Mr. Fulcher Strikes the gainful employment provisions in the bill defeated 22-25 32
#44 Mr. Walker Excludes 529 college savings plans from the FAFSA defeated 22-26 33
#45 Mr. Walker Requires institutions to comply with state laws pertaining to student athletes’ rights to their name, image, and likenesses. withdrawn
#46 Mr. Cline Applies the newly created adjusted cohort default rate at the program level

defeated 22-24

34 en bloc
#47 Mr. Cline Strikes changes to the federal student loan program and inserts  the text of H.R. 4098, the Higher Education Reform and Opportunity (HERO) Act defeated 9-37 35
#48 Mr. Watkins Strikes requirement that accreditors have specific outcome benchmarks defeated 22-26 36
#49 Mr. Meuser Eliminates requirement that the Secretary enter a memorandum of understanding with the Private Education Loan Ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defeated 22-26 37
#50 Mr. Meuser Provides a two-year transition exception to the adjusted cohort default rate benchmark for all institutions, rather than only public institutions, HBCUs, and private institutions with a Pell enrollment of at least 45 percent defeated 22-24 34 en bloc
#51 Mr. Keller Strikes the proposed 85-15 rule from the substitute and underlying law defeated 22-26 38
#52 Mr. Keller Allows institutions to outsource up to 100 percent  of education programs to ineligible entities defeated 22-26 39
#53 Mr. Murphy Adds a “sense of congress” that professors should remove their political biases from the classroom defeated 22-26 40
#54 Mr. Murphy Requires institutions to disclose when non-instructional spending increases by more than 5 percent year-over-year adopted 47-0 41
#55 Mr. Murphy Eliminates the $5 administration fee granted to institutions per Pell recipient they enroll. defeated by voice vote
#56 Mr. Byrne

Enables Title III funds to be spent on dual enrollment, pay for success initiatives, and other uses to further career success of students. 

adopted by voice vote
#56a Mr. Levin Strikes Pay for Success from the underlying amendment and aligns other authorized uses with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 adopted by voice vote
Motion Ms. Davis Report H.R. 4674 adopted 28-22 42

Member Statements

  1. Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (Democrat - Virginia)