Mine Safety: Mine Disasters In 2006

Most work-related deaths -- of miners or other workers -- occur with one or two deaths at a time. Sadly, these deaths are so commonplace that they often go unnoticed by the news media.

In 2006, however, there were three multiple-death tragedies in the underground coal mining sector that drew public attention to the overall problem. Investigations by federal and state authorities and special panels, must be timely, but sound:

  • Anyone found responsible must be appropriately prosecuted; and
  • An understanding of what happened must be achieved so similar tragedies can be avoided, whether by better enforcement, better training, additional safety measures, or a combination of all of these.

Miners' Families Testified at 2006 Democratic Forum

Family members of miners killed in mining accidents in West Virginia in January 2006 and in Alabama in 2001 testified about a lack of communication equipment and other avoidable dangers facing mine workers at a congressional forum on mine safety.