
Waxman, Rangel, Miller Statement on Senate Finance Vote to Pass Health Insurance Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), and George Miller (D-CA), the chairmen of the three committees with jurisdiction over health policy in the U.S. House of Representatives, today issued the following statement after the Senate Finance Committee approved its version of health insurance reform legislation. The House is currently working to combine the three versions of the bills approved by their committees in July.

“This marks an historic day in our decades-long fight to bring quality, affordable health care for every American. Today’s bipartisan vote by the Senate Finance Committee means that all five of congressional committees of jurisdiction have passed health insurance reform – an historic feat in its own right – and that we are one step closer to delivering the reforms that American people, businesses and our economy desperately need.

“In the House, we are nearly finished blending the bills passed by our committees.  The legislation we will ultimately consider reflects the goals and principles laid out by President Obama, and the hard work and input provided by members from across the spectrum of our diverse caucus. We look forward to bringing legislation to the floor that slows spending and protects consumers by introducing competition and accountability into the health care marketplace to keep insurers honest and create choices for everyone. We look forward to delivering legislation that guarantees quality health insurance that every American can afford.”
