
Waxman, Rangel, Miller Reinforce that Health Reform Efforts Will Strengthen Health Care for Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier this week, U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), and George Miller (D-CA), the Chairmen of the three Committees with jurisdiction over health policy in the House, sent a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Veterans Committee to reinforce their commitment to protecting veterans’ current health plans and expanding access to quality, affordable health care options for their dependents as health insurance reform efforts move forward.

Under the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (H.R. 3200), veterans’ health care coverage will fulfill their individual responsibility requirements – meaning they can keep their current plans and those plans will not be affected by the legislation. The bill will also expand access to additional quality, affordable health insurance options for veterans and their family members through the new health insurance exchange. The three committees are currently working to merge the versions of the bills that were passed in July in preparation for consideration by the full House.
“Veterans have provided an invaluable service to our country and recognizing the importance of that service, Congress will ensure that the health care they receive is of the highest quality and that they are able to fulfill any individual responsibility requirements with such coverage,” the chairmen wrote to Reps. Bob Filner (D-CA) and Steve Buyer (R-IN).

“It is our intention that enrollment in veterans health care pursuant to chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code is acceptable coverage without additional caveats or requirements and that veterans and their dependents will have the ability to get additional healthcare coverage through the health insurance exchange established by the health insurance exchange established by H.R. 3200 if they so choose. This will ensure that with respect to H.R. 3200, veterans of this country meet their obligations for obtaining health insurance under the tax code, and have the further option to access additional coverage for themselves and their families.”

The full text of their letter is below.


September 22, 2009

The Honorable Bob Filner
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
335 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Steve Buyer
Ranking Member
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
335 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Filner and Ranking Member Buyer:

As we continue to put together health reform legislation to ensure every American has access to quality affordable health care, we want to be very clear about our intentions with respect to veterans.
Veterans have provided an invaluable service to our country and recognizing the importance of that service, Congress will ensure that the health care they receive is of the highest quality and that they are able to fulfill any individual responsibility requirements with such coverage.

It is our intention that enrollment in veterans health care pursuant to chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code is acceptable coverage without additional caveats or requirements and that veterans and their dependents have the ability to get additional healthcare coverage through the health insurance exchange established by H.R. 3200 if they so choose.  This will ensure that with respect to H.R. 3200, veterans of this country meet their obligations for obtaining health insurance under the tax code, and have the further option to access additional coverage for themselves and their families.

We commit to you, Chairman Filner and Ranking member Buyer, and all veterans, to clarify the legislative language in H.R. 3200 to reflect the above assurances as the reported bills from the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Education and Labor are merged, sent to the Committee on Rules and eventually the House floor for consideration.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with you and other members on each of the committees interested in these issues to put together a health reform bill that fulfills this country’s commitment to veterans. 


Henry A. Waxman                    Charles B. Rangel                                 George Miller
Chairman                                 Chairman                                              Chairman
Committee on Energy               Committee on Ways and Means           Committee on
and Commerce                                                                                     Education and Labor

cc:       The Honorable Joe Barton
            Ranking Member
            Committee on Energy and Commerce

            The Honorable Dave Camp
            Ranking Member
            Committee on Ways and Means

            The Honorable John Kline
            Ranking Member
            Committee on Education and Labor