
WATCH: Chairman Scott Helps Lead House Passage of Bill to Improve Access to Care for Injured Federal Workers

WASHINGTON – Education and Labor Committee Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) delivered the following remarks during today’s floor debate on passage of the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act (H.R. 6087).

WATCH: Chairman Scott Helps Lead House Passage of Bill to Improve Access to Care for Injured Federal Workers

View Chairman Scott’s floor remarks on YouTube.

“Madam Speaker, more than 2 million federal employees provide key services to the public.  In fact, during the height of the pandemic, federal workers were critical to delivering vaccines, personal protective equipment, and other COVID-19 relief to the American people.

“So, it stands to reason that, when federal workers get sick or injured on the job, we are obligated to provide them—and their families—with the resources and medical care they need.

“Today, we can improve that effort by providing expanded health care access for injured federal workers who are seeking health care covered by federal workers’ compensation.

“We live in a country where people are increasingly turning to nurse practitioners and physician assistants as their primary health care provider.  This is particularly true in rural America where they are disproportionately impacted by physician shortages.

“Unfortunately, federal law now limits what can be reimbursed under federal workers’ compensation, forcing injured workers to see only a physician to certify the injury and disability as work-related and to deliver services.

“It is time to correct this lag in access to health care.  After all, core federal health care programs, including Medicare and the Veterans Affairs system, already recognize services delivered by nurse practitioners and physician assistants if provided within the scope of practice allowed by state law.

“This bill would allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to receive reimbursement for the health care services they are providing to injured federal workers if—and only if—those services are already permissible under their state laws.

“Madam Speaker, a ‘yes’ vote for this bill is a step to expand the group of available health care providers—consistent with existing state law—so that we can ensure injured federal workers and their families get the support and care they deserve.

“I want to thank the gentleman from Connecticut, Mr. Courtney, for his leadership on the bill along with the distinguished member of the Education and Labor Committee, the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Walberg, and the Committee Ranking Member, Dr. Foxx, for their support of this legislation.  I urge my colleagues to support the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act.”


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