
Virginia First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe Testifies on the Importance of Child Nutrition

Examining ways to serve our nation’s children by meeting their nutritional needs

WASHINGTON – The Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing yesterday to discuss the scope and impact of federal child nutrition programs. Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) was joined by the First Lady of Virginia, Mrs. Dorothy McAuliffe, to explore ways we can continue to improve and strengthen nutrition programs for the 40 million children who rely on them every day for healthy food. Our nation is faced with the second highest obesity rate in the world, while the cost of treating obesity-related illnesses tallies to $190.2 billion per year. This weakens our economy and increases budget deficits

“The continuum of federal child nutrition programs and policies discussed today are vital to our nation’s economy, national security and future,” said Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03). “With 93 percent of schools in compliance with the new standards, we must remain committed to adequately funding these programs that give our most vulnerable students the nutritional support they need to achieve.” 

First Lady of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe, served as the Democratic witness in yesterday's hearing, testifying on food security and nutrition as key elements necessary for educational success and building healthy communities. As Chair of the Commonwealth Council on Bridging the Nutritional Divide, Mrs. McAuliffe has focused on eliminating childhood hunger in Virginia, developing local agriculture markets, and promoting community efforts that link locally grown food, education, health and nutrition.

“There is a moral and economic imperative to eliminate the burden of hunger in our schools and our communities,” said McAuliffe. “We can all agree that nothing is more important to our future as a nation than the health, education and well-being of our next generation. Ensuring our students are well fed and ready to learn requires a continued partnership between our states and Congress, our schools, community leaders and families.”

Expanding access to healthy meals is key to providing our children with greater economic and educational opportunities.

Find Mrs. McAuliffe’s full prepared testimony here.
