
VIDEO RELEASE: House Democrats to Senate: It’s Time to Pass the Raise the Wage Act

WASHINGTON – This Labor Day weekend, Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) and House Democrats are challenging the Senate to act and pass the Raise the Wage Act. On July 18th, the House overwhelming passed the bill on a bipartisan basis. The Raise the Wage Act would increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2025, give up to 33 million Americans a raise, and lift 1.3 million Americans out of poverty. 

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“Over the last six months, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have blocked legislation to protect our democracy, preserve our planet, close the gender pay gap, prevent gun violence, and strengthen Americans’ access to affordable health care,” the Members said in a new video. “Now, House Democrats have taken bold action to support America’s workers. It’s time for the Senate to do the right thing for workers and for the economy.”

To learn more about the Raise the Wage Act, click here.  



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