Press Releases

June 2017
House Passes Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Career and Technical Education
Scott Statement on Senate Republicans’ TrumpCare Bill
Democrats Reinforce the Need for Student Safety in the Job Corps Program
Democrats Unveil Legislation to Boost College Completion
Scott Statement on Trump Administration’s Apprenticeship Initiative
Bonamici Condemns Education Department’s Decision to Reverse Student Loan Borrower Protections
Trump Budget Cuts Harm America’s Workforce Development System, Committee Learns
House Republicans Continue to Sabotage Working Americans Right to Form Unions
Scott, Bonamici, Murray, Warren Urge Secretary DeVos to Protect Students, Reverse Student Loan Decisions
Democrats Introduce New Legislation to Improve Access to College, Make College More Affordable
May 2017
Scott Statement on the Introduction of $15 Minimum Wage Legislation
Civil and Human Rights Coalition Welcomes Legislation to Raise Federal Minimum Wage to $15 by 2024
Scott, Sensenbrenner Celebrate Older Americans Month By Introducing Bipartisan Bill to Protect Older Workers
Subcommittee Members See Need for Better Data in Higher Education
Scott, Cummings, Waters on Trump Administration’s Decision to Temporarily Halt Repeated Attempts to Undermine Fiduciary Rule
Scott Statement on President Trump’s FY18 Budget
House Passes Bill to Enhance Protections for Missing and Exploited Children
House Passes Bill to Enhance Opportunity for Vulnerable Youth, Improve Juvenile Justice
Rep. Mark Takano Condemns Trump Proposal to Eliminate the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Bonamici Slams Trump Budget
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