Press Releases

November 2020
Chairman Scott to GSA: Delayed Support for Biden Transition Team Will Have “Devastating Consequences”
Government Watchdog: DOL’s Lack of Service Contract Act Enforcement Costs Workers Millions
Chairs Maloney and Scott Issue Statement After Department of Education Suspends Tool to Help Defrauded Student Borrowers
Chairman Scott Urges Yes Vote on National Apprenticeship Act
Keeping All Students Safe Act: What People Are Saying
Top Democrats Unveil Bill to Protect Students from Dangerous Seclusion and Restraint Practices
Democratic Health Leaders Urge Reversal After Trump Admin Approves Illegal Georgia Waivers That Threaten Families’ Health Care
Chairman Scott Statement on Supreme Court Oral Arguments on the Fate of the Affordable Care Act
Chairman Scott to Trump Administration: Preserve Records to Ensure Smooth Transition to Biden Administration
Chairman Scott Statement on 2020 Election Results
Chairman Scott Statement on October Jobs Report
Committee Report Details How the Trump Administration Prioritizes ‘Politics Over People’
House Democratic Health Leaders Slam Trump Administration’s Approval of Georgia’s 1332 Waiver Request
October 2020
Chairman Scott Statement on President Trump’s Absurd Victory Lap on the Release of GDP Growth Estimates
Save Education Jobs Act of 2020: What People Are Saying
New Documents Show Department of Education Froze Tool to Help Defrauded Student Borrowers
House Education Leaders Introduce Legislation to Save Nearly 4 Million Education Jobs, Spur Economic Growth in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic
House Democrats to DOL: Proposed Rule to Increase Employee Misclassification Will Cost Workers and the Economy
White House’s Plan to Study Multiemployer Pensions is Not the Solution that Workers, Retirees, and Businesses Deserve
Faced with Obstruction from ED, Chairman Scott Subpoenas ED Officials Regarding Dream Center Scandal
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