
Scott Statement on the Trump Administration Rolling Back Workplace Rule, Giving Serial Labor Law Violators a Free Pass

WASHINGTON, DC – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after President Trump signed a Resolution of Disapproval (H.J. Res 37) which overturned the rule implementing the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order (EO). This rule would have ensured that contractors disclose their labor, safety and civil rights violations, and that federal agencies evaluate those violations which are serious, willful, repeated, and pervasive when determining whether a contractor should receive a taxpayer-funded contract. The rule was created to ensure that hard-working Americans are treated fairly on the job and that they come home safe at the end of the day.

“I am disappointed by the actions of Congressional Republicans and President Trump who used the Congressional Review Act to roll back the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order (EO). The EO was meant to hold accountable government contractors that willfully, repeatedly, and pervasively violate labor, workplace safety and civil rights laws.

"While most federal contractors do take responsibility for treating their workers fairly, the fact is that some federal contractors have gotten away with breaking the rules, and putting workers’ health, safety and economic security at risk. Furthermore, law-abiding, responsible contractors should not be forced to compete with law-breakers who save money by failing to promote safe workplaces and to pay workers the fair wages they have earned. This is yet another example of the Trump administration failing to protect America's working families."

FACT SHEET: Repealing the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule Gives Serial Labor Law Violators a Free Pass

Executive Order -- Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces


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