
Scott Statement on the Introduction of the Equality Act


WASHINGTONRanking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott issued the following statement on the introduction of the Equality Act of 2015, a bill that would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other key laws to ensure that LBGT Americans receive the same legal protections afforded to other Americans. The bill was announced at a press conference today by Rep. David Cicilline (RI-01) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), along with Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, and Rep. John Lewis (GA-05):

“Today, I stand with my colleagues in both chambers of Congress as an original co-sponsor to the Equality Act, to ensure that the civil rights protections afforded to other Americans are available to members of the LBGT community.

“The Equality Act makes explicit that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is impermissible in hiring and employment, education, housing, credit, public accommodations, or jury service. While the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and many courts have held that LGBT Americans are protected under current law, discrimination is still all too common. This bill makes it unmistakably clear that discriminating against LGBT Americans in hiring, promotions, termination, and harassment is illegal. It amends Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to ensure that LBGT Americans do not face discrimination in an array of federal programs such as healthcare, child welfare, nutrition assistance, public education, and financial assistance for higher education because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The bill also safeguards qualified LGBT renters and prospective home buyers from discrimination in the leasing or purchasing of homes, securing home loans, or accessing brokerage services.


“The introduction of the Equality Act is especially timely given the recent Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. Following the Obergefell decision, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that same-sex couples shall receive the federal benefits of marriages that are afforded to heterosexual marriages. The time has come to ensure that all Americans are equally protected against discrimination under the law, and Congress should adopt the Equality Act to do just that.”

