
Scott Statement on the Closing of Corinthian Colleges, Inc.

WASHINGTON – House Education and the Workforce Committee Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) released the following statement today on the closing of Corinthian Colleges, Inc.:

“After being hit with a $30 million fine from the U.S. Department of Education, the doors of Corinthian Colleges, Inc. have been shut once and for all.  The fine was based on Department of Education findings that one of Corinthian’s subsidiaries – Heald College – had both misrepresented placement rates to accreditors and to current and prospective students, and had also failed to comply with federal regulations regarding the accurate disclosure of placement rates. While our immediate attention must turn to ensuring Corinthian’s students are not placed at any additional financial or academic risk, our job does not end there. 

“There are other colleges engaging in some of these same fraudulent marketing practices. I urge Congress to renew its oversight of all post-secondary education institutions and provide the Department of Education with the tools that will identify both good and bad actors. Where there are findings of violations, such as those found at Corinthian, the Department should take appropriate action, to include providing students and borrowers with relief, where necessary.

The pursuit of a post-secondary education should not be a gambling proposition for students and families. Students should have assurances that the providers of their education are committed to their success, not to an inflated and fraudulently built bottom line.” 

