
Scott Statement on September Jobs Report - 2016

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 156,000 jobs during the month of September with the unemployment rate at 5 percent:

“While we have experienced great economic gains over the last seven years, today’s jobs report shows that our work here in Congress is far from over. There are families and individuals struggling to find work, and those who are working still lack basic workplace support and protections.

“To address these challenges, I introduced the Working Families Agenda, a set of responsible legislative proposals to boost wages, help workers balance work and family life, and level the playing field by ending discrimination in the workplace. In addition to the Working Families Agenda, I recently introduced H.R. 6117, the Opening Doors for Youth Act of 2016—legislation to address the challenges faced by youth, ages 16-24, who are disconnected from both school and work. This legislation will put young people to work and support community efforts to keep youth connected to school and training.

“During the month of September, the Committee on Education and the Workforce worked constructively to improve opportunities for our youth. The House passed one bill to strengthen career and technical education programs and another to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act for the first time in over a decade. The JJDPA reauthorization contains provisions from the Youth PROMISE Act which make comprehensive, evidence-based investments in communities to address chronic gang membership and crime.

"We should prioritize the needs of families and working people by coming together to work on the Working Families Agenda and Opening Doors for Youth Act of 2016. If we continue our bipartisan cooperation, I am confident that we will be able to pass these much-needed proposals that will strengthen our economy and our communities.”



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