
Scott Statement on Republicans’ Vote to Proceed with Trumpcare

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Senate voted on a motion to proceed on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  

“The Affordable Care Act made great progress in improving access to health coverage.  It did not solve every problem in health care, but regardless of what you think about the ACA, the Republicans' alternatives only make things worse.  Every proposal they have offered results in less coverage and higher costs.  If Congress is going to consider any changes to the ACA, we should work to improve coverage and affordability, not go backward. 

"Today, Senate Republicans voted in favor of a motion to proceed that will allow debate and a future vote on legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but unfortunately neither Senate Republicans nor the American people, know what will be in the final bill. American workers and families have been very clear - they do not want Trumpcare. Today’s vote allows an entirely dysfunctional legislative process to continue. Despite the result, hopefully, Republicans will come to the same conclusion as the rest of the country - that Trumpcare is fundamentally broken. When Republicans are ready to drop their misguided repeal efforts, Democrats are willing to work with them on policies that will improve the health and financial security for all Americans.”

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