
Scott Statement on October Jobs Report


WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement today after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that during the month of October, 271,000 jobs were added to the economy while the unemployment rate fell to 5.0 percent. This marks the 68th consecutive month of private sector job growth:


“Today’s jobs report shows that the unemployment rate fell to 5.0 percent, continuing the longest streak on record. Despite this great gain, families across the nation are working harder than ever before, but they are still struggling to make ends meet. It’s time for Congress to get to work on restoring economic stability for our nation’s families and the Working Families Resolution – introduced by 109 Democrats in the House – outlines how we can get this done. This collection of legislation will boost wages, help workers balance work and family life, and level the playing field by protecting workers from discrimination. The policies in the resolution will strengthen our workforce, strengthen our families, and strengthen our economy.”

