
Scott Statement on NLRB Election Rules


WASHINGTON Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, released the following statement today after the National Labor Relations Board new rules for the union election process  went into effect:

“These modest updates to an outdated rule help create a more fair, efficient, and modern workplace election process. By streamlining communication and calling for a timely exchange of information, the rule creates a clearer, more standardized process that allows workers to make their own decisions without manipulation, threats, or intimidation. If workers ask for an election, they should get an election without delay, interference or retaliation.

“Our nation’s economic strength depends on American workers having a fair chance, and we have a responsibility to protect those workers.  And History has shown that the economy benefits when workers’ rights are respected. When they are fairly rewarded and given the opportunity to exercise their rights, they are the best, most productive workforce in the world. ”

