
Scott Statement on Labor Department Inspector General Report


WASHINGTONHouse Education and the Workforce Committee Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) issued the following statement today on the Department of Labor Inspector General’s newly released report on procedural changes to reduce the time required to adjudicate black lung benefit claims:


"Miners with black lung disease are entitled to an accurate medical evaluation, fair treatment and timely decisions. The DOL Inspector General (IG) has made 23 recommendations that could enable the Labor Department to improve the quality of decisions and help resolve claims faster.  We know the system has been gamed by coal companies and their hired medical experts, and every effort needs to be made to ensure the playing field is leveled for miners afflicted with black lung disease and their survivors. That is why I plan to re-introduce the Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act in this Congress with Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA) and others. The bill will include the legislative reform included in this report that would cut claim processing times by 2 months on average. I look forward to working with my colleagues to bring relief to these miners and their families."

