
Scott Statement on EEOC Proposed Rule

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Ranking Member Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) issued the following statement after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released their proposed rule, “Amendments to Regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act”:

“Antidiscrimination laws are a vital part of our legal framework to ensure that Americans are treated fairly and equally in the workplace. It is imperative that we work to uphold the standards outlined in these laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Antidiscrimination laws are intended to protect Americans against both discrimination and against behavior that may subvert these laws in subtler ways. I commend the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for publishing a proposed rule addressing the extent to which the ADA applies to employer wellness programs. This proposed rule provides an avenue for discussion on what constitutes disability-based discrimination in an employer-provided wellness program, and how wellness programs can ensure compliance with the provisions of HIPAA, the Affordable Care Act, and the ADA.

“The comment period allows all voices to contribute to this discussion, and reinforces that Congress should refrain from passing legislation that would grant broad liability exemption to employers whose wellness plans violate employee privacy and civil rights under the ADA.”

Find the full proposed rule here.
