
Scott, DeLauro Statement on Republicans’ Paid Parental Leave Proposal

WASHINGTON -- Representative Bobby Scott (VA-03), ranking Member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, and Representatives Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released the following statement in response to the paid parental leave proposal announced today by Senate Republicans:

“This proposal would put pressure on Social Security’s already strained resources,” said Ranking Member Bobby Scott. “While I’m encouraged there’s bipartisan support for paid family and medical leave, we should not shortchange Social Security benefits for seniors to accomplish that desirable goal.”

“While the time for paid family and medical leave for American workers is long overdue, the Republican paid parental leave proposal announced today is woefully insufficient and harmful to working families,” said Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. “Workers should not have to permanently cut their Social Security retirement benefits in order to spend time with a newborn child, and any paid leave plan that reflects the needs of working people and families must address the need to deal with a personal or family member’s serious illness. Legislation that reflects the Independent Women’s Forum plan to raid Social Security to pay for parental leave benefits would jeopardize workers’ future retirement security and would hurt women, low-wage workers and workers of color the most. Any such proposal would break the promise of Social Security program, which provides millions of Americans with economic security in their retirement. Instead, Congress should work to enact FAMILY Act—which would provide real paid family and medical leave to ensure workers have a safety net in their time of need.”

Press Contact

Stephanie Lalle: 202-226-0853 (Scott)
Will Serio: 202-225-3661 (DeLauro)