
Scott Criticizes GOP’s ESEA Bill and Partisan Process, Announces Forum to Examine ESEA Reauthorization Issues

WASHINGTON—House Republicans today began a hasty, partisan push to rewrite one of the nation’s most important education laws by introducing H.R. 5, legislation that would undermine equity and accountability in public schools. Education and the Workforce Committee Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) criticized the bill and the scheduling of no related hearings. For that reason, Rep. Scott announced he will be holding a forum to more thoroughly examine the issues and policy solutions pertinent to reauthorizing No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the most recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

“Reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to bring our public education system into the 21st century is one of the most significant challenges before this Congress,” said Rep. Scott. “There is broad agreement that No Child Left Behind is outdated. But rather than building upon the advancements we’ve made since the last ESEA rewrite, the Republican H.R. 5 would turn back the clock on our public education system. H.R. 5 shirks our nation’s fundamental civil rights responsibilities to ensure that every child, regardless of background or ZIP code, has fair and equitable access to a world-class education. The bill would dismantle ESEA’s foundation of accountability, shortchange students and their achievement, and rob our most disadvantaged children of vital resources.”

Republicans introduced their bill without hearing from a single teacher, researcher, or any other stakeholder in the education community, and they did not seek any input from committee Democrats. They also announced their intentions to mark up the legislation in full committee next week, bypassing even subcommittee consideration. And what’s more, according to the Republican majority’s leadership memo, this bill will be on the House floor in just three short weeks. Rep. Scott criticized the lack of a serious, deliberative process.

“It is important that we make evidence-based policy decisions—we must not repeat the mistakes of the past. The Republican majority has chosen to rewrite ESEA without the benefit of a single hearing, despite evolving research and having twelve new members on our committee,” said Rep. Scott. “Congress can only make meaningful reforms when we’ve thoroughly examined the relevant issues, evidence, and proposed solutions. Failure to seek input from experts and various stakeholders, and embarking on an expedited, partisan process is a disservice to the fifty-year bipartisan history of ESEA and, more importantly, a disservice to our nation’s children.”

Accordingly, Rep. Scott has organized a forum for Thursday, February 5, wherein all committee members will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of education experts about areas in need of reform and their respective policy solutions. The forum is intended to inform Congress’s work on ESEA reauthorization and explore ways to:

  • Guarantee that all students graduate from high school college- and career-ready, regardless of their background or ZIP code;
  • Continue the historic federal role in education to support schools and districts with high concentrations of poverty;
  • Overcome the achievement gap that still exists between poor and minority children and their more affluent peers;
  • Improve outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students who do not speak English;
  • Provide supports for at-risk students to prevent them from dropping out of school and to break the cradle to prison pipeline; and
  • Provide additional resources and tools for struggling schools while holding them accountable for how well they are serving all students.

“I am disappointed that my Republican colleagues are attempting to jam legislation through the House that places politics before students,” said Rep. Scott. “This bill represents another missed opportunity for us to work together on a responsible and bipartisan product that improves education in America. ESEA has never been reauthorized without strong bipartisan support, and Committee Democrats stand ready to work with Republicans to prepare all students for lifelong success.”