
Rep. Miller to GOP: Stop Threatening More Economic Chaos, Move Forward to Put America Back to Work Instead


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the senior Democratic member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement today regarding the June jobs report and needing to do more to help the American economy.

“Today’s jobs report shows that Congress should be working together to get America back to work. Instead of addressing Americans’ top issue, Washington Republicans have scheduled yet another partisan vote to repeal the health reform law and patients’ rights. This is just another waste of time by House Republicans. Taking away insurance from millions of young adults, raising the price of seniors’ medications, and allowing insurance companies to discriminate based on a preexisting conditions do not move our economy forward.

“Americans expect us to leave these old partisan fights in the past and move forward on real efforts to grow and strengthen the nation’s middle class. However, it has been clear since president Obama took office that while he has been working to salvage the economy from the Wall Street-created economic meltdown, Republicans in Congress have been focused only on defeating the president. The jobs numbers tell the story.

“So my message to Republican leaders is clear – stop threatening more economic chaos, government shutdowns, and national default, and instead join together to move forward to put Americans back to work.”