
Rep. Miller Statement on Election as Top Democrat on the House Education and Labor Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the current chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement after the House Democratic caucus voted today to make him the senior Democrat on the Education and Labor Committee in the 112th Congress. “I am truly privileged to have the confidence of the House Democratic caucus to continue to be the top Democrat on the Education and Labor Committee. It has been an honor to serve as chairman during the committee's most productive years on behalf of America’s working families and students. While the next Congress will bring new challenges, I will not lose sight of the committee’s responsibility to ensure that workers are treated fairly on the job and students can be successful in the classroom. I fully intend to work with Chairman-elect John Kline to forge consensus on important issues where we can, but I will not hesitate to stand up when special interests are put ahead of workers and students.”